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(Christian Adult Formation and Education)

On Sunday Mornings from 9:30 to 10:20 am., Adult education topics are discussed in the St. Andrew’s Room. The schedule is published in the church calendar. CAFE covers a wide variety of topics, inspired discussions and spiritual exploration in a safe, welcoming environment. Most frequently facilitated by Holy Trinity parishioners, the program also hosts guest and clergy presenters.

Women Of Holy Trinity

The Women of Holy Trinity is an organization of all women of the parish. The ministry organizes parish-wide projects, that benefit both the parish and the larger community, and provide opportunities for fun, fellowship, and volunteering.


The Women of Holy Trinity organize a parish-wide Epiphany Project which raises money to benefit the Maternal and Child Health Consortium of Chester County.


The ministry also hosts various luncheons,and speakers throughout the year. 


This ministry was started with the recognition that the sin of racism is alive and well today and that we all have been affected by it in some way – as victims, as witnesses, as unwitting participants in institutional racism, and as advantaged recipients, since our whole economic system was built initially on the backs of enslaved people. We share our concerns, books, and other resources, and work to increase the knowledge and awareness of racism through events and educational forums. We are also engaged in creating a visual display that tells the merged history from 1835 to the present of the congregations of Holy Trinity and the Church of the Ascension.

Sarahs Circle and Trinity Stitchers

Sarah's Circle is a fellowship of quilters that meets weekly to create quilts and related items that are sold to support women and children and church-related projects.

Trinity Stitchers supports the congregation and community by making prayer shawls, lap robes, Christening blankets as well as hats, gloves, scarves and mittens for those in need. Although members are encouraged to attend weekly gathering and share in the fellowship; participants may also knit or crochet at home.


Stop by on Mondays 10:30am to Noon weekly.

As Christians, we are called to follow Christ’s teachings, come together for worship and to work, pray, and give for the spread of the Kingdom of God.


~ The Book of Common Prayer, p. 856

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